Well the scary season has arrived! For a pre-Halloween experience myself, Zack, Jordan, Ak (Aunt Kathy), Jake, (and jakes fried Andrew)all went to a haunted house. Well actually it was a haunted hallow. The atmosphere was cool but the actually haunting of it was lame. Jordan actually scared me more time then the actually characters. However it was a little different then a haunted house. It was in a forest type place and we hiked around it. Had great potential but didn't quite meet the expectations. Sad.
However the weekend right before Halloween Justin, Lindsay, Zack and I went to a place called Asylum 49. This was an actual mental hospital for patients. Now this haunted was Amazing!! Screamed like a little girl 85% of the house. There were tons of different rooms and characters. Crazy part was there were kids of the age of 4-10 acting in it. There was a nursery part and that's what probably creeped me out the most. I thought of my nephew Brock doing something like this and it gave me the heepie jeepies.
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